Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Romique at Emancipation Park

Wow what a day,I really don't know how I servived that little boy of mine ran me into the ground and then some.

Thank's for My Wife Monique who suggested that we take our Boy to the Emancipation Park in New Kingston St Andrew this gave me a chance to build up on my little Portfolio and testing the theories of one light off Camera well here are the results of two of these images hope that you can reverse engineer the images figuring the positioning of the lights have fun.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Pictured here is a supporter of the Jamaica Labour Party "JLP" as we say in Jamaica one of the two main political organisations in Jamaica the other being the Peoples National Party "PNP", He was celebrating the Parties victory in a By-Election in the Western Portland constituency.
Not to worry I've not become a Politician it's just that this image had such a impact on me I was there experimenting as I always do with off Camera Flash I think the exposure was 1/15 of a second at F 5.6 with the Flash to the Camera's left I really like the blur caused by the slow shutter speed which I was using at the time being in a sea of Green clad supporters of thier Political party all having a good time almost like a Carnival Atmosphere here we really love our Politics as much as we complain about Politicians there I go again talking Politricks sorry my error Politics.
It only goes to show no matter what the event there is always time to do something different or offbeat it may not be published by any News Paper are Magazines but guess what that's the reason for this Blog!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Nieces

Cute I know thats what comes to mind when you see these two images of at top left Raymanda and then Leana, My beatiful nieces just finished I guess what can be called a photo shoot I would call it an experiment for me atleast to see how I can use light and shadows to had some amount of character to the subject.
Plus I added a little gelling to give that warm orange tone to the images mostly directed at the background and if I may say there not too bad let me give you a quick idea of the set up I'm using three Flahes here two SB800s one which I borrowed from My supervisor Rudolph and a old SB 26 which I virtually rescued from the Rubbish Bin.
Lets get back to the setup the SB 800S are in the Nikon CLS mode "Creative Lighting System"are what you would call the Slave mode which is simply put, one Flash unit firing the other at the same time,You might ask why the need for this ,reason more creative control.You see most persons especially in Jamaica have been used to what I call a XEROXING effect where a Photographer just blast his subject with a Flash from the Camera Lens axis are if they care any do a little bouncing from a Roof are a nearby Wall.
Back to the meaty stuff one flash is being fired into a Umbrella from subjects left which is the main light and the other at subject right bounced off the Roof with the Orange Gell,the great thing about Digital is that there is not much need for a sometimes very expensive Light meters just bracket the exposures ie;try different aperature and shutter settings if your wondering what about the SB26 it's on the camera triggering the two SB800S the SB26 at about1/32 power so as to not to add more light to the final images and last but not least shoot in the manual mode stop letting the Camera do everything for you.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

From East to West

You know it's so amazing how beautiful this Country of Mine is really,just look at these two pic's the sunset is of Negril in the western most part of the Island and the waterfall is the Somerset Fall in Portland leading towards the Eastern end.
I took these pics I think a year apart are maybe more I'm sure that the Sunset was taken on August 1st 2005 {the day after I got Married}and I don't quite remember the date for this image of the Waterfalls,yeah your right I'm just damn lazy why didn't you just check the Camera info moron,I could have done that but anyway what the eck lets move on to the importance of these two images fot Me that is.
You could not find two more opposites than these two not only the fact that there located at opposite ends of the Island but also in the ligting conditions as you can see that for the Falls it's somewhat overcast hey it's Portland and the breathtaking Sunset at Negril Point showing off the Sun's beautiful radiance.
Now lets get technical for scenes like these your Camera settings and approach also have to be totally different for each shot for the Sunset to maintain the Deep almost Reddish Yellow it takes a low ISO setting for optimal quality Iusually shoot on Aperature priority which in a situation like this will give me a fast shutter speed I owuld go for a aperature setting maybe anywhere between f11 and f22 make sure to meter directly from the Sun using spot are Centerweightd metering and you should have a Beautiful image from your adventures and for all you point and shooters put the camera on the Landscape settings and hope for the best.
Now for the Waterfall Shot a Tripd are Monopod is preferable are make sure you hold your breath as if driving on a certain section after leaving the Toll in the City of Sunshine in order to get to the Town of those Europeans wow I wonder what's in that Water.
Well lets get back on course,as I was saying before being rudely interrupted by Bungy how FYI that's my alter-ego.
For this shot so as to get that Water lookig as creamy as it is you'll need a relatively low ISO setting for best quality maybe about 250 are 400 max hopefully your using a Wide lens anywhere from 28 mm down to whatever, using aperature priority say f8 the camera will choose the shutter speed which more than likely will be relatively slow now this is when you'll need to hold that Camera without shaking,you can even if your lucky find a rail are something else to lean on and Hold that breath.
So there a few of the secrets of us Photographers check out my next post hopefully I'll have something that will be worth your time so long I'm signing out.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A little Yellow in Blue

Well what can I say,still awake at 1:53 am Wednesday morning Romique as just gone to bed PS;ignore the post time really need to adjust the Clock on this Computer.
I'm in some what of a Teaching mood "hope to God if anyones reading this they don't think I'm a Pete Turner are Bob Krist those guys are World rated I'm just Jamaica tested"!but any way this image just show's how you can turn a bad thing to an advantage by breaking the basic rules of Photography,bet you that no one as figured out what I'm ranting about as yet.................still asn't well I'm talking about this supposed blue background which really isn't there and hey it's not photoshop kinda not it's just bad filtration by not using a UV Filter [Ultra Violet Rays] that's what as caused this beautiful Blue cast to cover the image luckily the main image yellow is so strong that with a little tweaking in Nikon View "My version of Photoshop I guess"we have a beautiful image.
Hey don't be afraid to go out and experiment with Photography don't stay into that comfort zone try something crazy you would be surprised at what you may produce.
Just a little equipment information Nikon D2H with a Nikkor 80-400 mm lens[the People them equipment Gleaner] shot on aperature priority at F 5.6 under overcast conditions I'm out again maybe next time I'll get off my lazy butt and go shoot something really interesting.

My Son and Me being so forgetful.

Well it's about 11:35 pm Tuesday Night and My insomnia is kicking in everyone else is at Bed except for me of course wait Romique! I can hear him getting a little fussy in His Crib give me a moment please I'm back with my Nightly partner in cime yes beleive me we stay up most nights until 2 or 3am so you can give my Son all the credit for typing yeah I've got to share the keyboard are else it's wakey Mommy time,good thing there is this beautiful Picture of my five month old son here so as not to bore you all.
As I am sitting here typing away I couldn't stop but to think about how forgetul I'm slowly becoming imagine My Friend and coworker Robert"Roving With Lalah" asked hey let me see your blog! and guess what I totally couldn't remember the Email address are the password it took to access My blog this might seem a little funny,especially for some one like Myself who spends so much time surfing the net as to find new Ideas to improve My Photography which I'm so passionate about so I had to create this new one.
Yes I know get to the point. All I'm saying here is at times we take certain things for granted such as memory which is so important,and more valuable than we think you might not know when we will need to remember a few digits that may save a life a job are any other small thing.
Well back to my boy I think that this was not a Bad attempt by me to get a nice portrait shot and if your wondering about the shadow that is cast on the left side of His Face that was intentional it's called Rembrandt lighting yes like the famous Artist but hey who cares.
I'm just one individual who doesn't sleep and thinks that He can change the World with Photography, got to go now Romique the boss of me wants to play now bye until later.